Wires Down on Tripp Street
By Engineer James Tipa, Jr
August 27, 2014

Just before 6 PM on Tuesday, August 26th the Independents were dispatched for wires down and burning in the area of Tripp Street and Vetere Place. On arrival of Car 2283 Asst. Chief Boddie found two 13KV primary electrical wires arcing and on fire. A request for Con Edison Electric was made and the crew from Engine 105 stood fast until Con Ed arrived and secured the scene.

The Independent's would like to remind the public that downed wires can be found on even the sunniest of days. Use caution around downed wires and find an alternate route if they lay in the path between you and your destination. Arcing wires can move freely at any time and deliver shock to those nearby. Be safe and call Con Edison at 1-800-75-CONED if you encounter downed wires or 911 for emergencies.

(Photos by Asst. Engineer Matt Pucila)

Units: Car 2282, Car 2283, Engine 105, Rescue 31
Mutual Aid: Con Edison Electric, New Castle Police